2024-018 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2024-03-22
Final date -
Days in captivity49
SpeciesBDOW - Barred owl
BandPurple L 058
Anisocoria - OD>OS
Fracture - Beak
Neurologic - Head trauma
Ocular - Chorioretinal Scars, OD
Ocular - Chorioretinal Scars, OS
Ocular - Retinal Degeneration, OD
Ocular - Retinal Degeneration, OS
Ocular - Retinal Edema, OD
Ocular - Retinal Edema, OS
Ocular - uveitis, OD

Cause of injury: Unknown

Found in Madison,AL
Limestone county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Desc Qty Cost Subtotal
Daily rate4920.00980.00
Complete blood count158.0058.00
Packed cell volume28.0716.14
Blood chemistry145.3545.35
Lab tests1Variable40.00
Total  1214.49

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images
No images for this patient
2024-05-09 15:06 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
80g M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-05-08 13:52 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
80g M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-05-07 16:22 AN

Group entry: 7 animals
80g M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-05-06 17:06 re

Group entry: 7 animals
80g M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-05-05 13:49 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
85g M, Ch, Q per bird (cut 1/2 of food in half for chicks)

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-05-04 10:30 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
85g M, Ch, Q per bird (cut 1/2 of food in half for chicks)

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-05-03 16:04 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
85g M, Ch, Q per bird (cut 1/2 of food in half for chicks)

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-05-02 11:13 BT

Group entry: 7 animals
85g M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon per bird on food.
BDOW CHICKS: 300 g m, ch, cut up. Drip 1.75 ml Ca Glubonate on food. Chicks are
out of nest box so spread food near chicks where perching. On ladders steps, etc.

2024-05-01 15:40 AN

Group entry: 8 animals
85g M, Ch, Q per bird

BDOW CHICKS: 300 g m, ch, cut up. Drip 1.75 ml Ca Glubonate on food. Chicks are
out of nest box so spread food near chicks where perching. On ladders steps, etc.

2024-04-29 15:45 AN

Group entry: 8 animals
85g M, Ch, Q per bird

BDOW CHICKS: 300 g m, ch, cut up. Drip 1.75 ml Ca Glubonate on food. Chicks are
out of nest box so spread food near chicks where perching. On ladders steps, etc.

2024-04-28 09:49 AN

Group entry: 8 animals
85g M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon per bird on food.
BDOW CHICKS: 300 g m, ch, cut up. Drip 1.75 ml Ca Glubonate on food. Chicks are
out of nest box so spread food near chicks where perching. On ladders steps, etc.

2024-04-27 10:54 BT

Group entry: 8 animals
85g M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon per bird on food.
BDOW CHICKS: 300 g m, ch, cut up. Drip 1.75 ml Ca Glubonate on food. Chicks are
out of nest box so spread food near chicks where perching. On ladders steps, etc.

2024-04-26 16:36 BT

Group entry: 8 animals
85g M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon per bird on food.
BDOW CHICKS: 300 g m, ch, cut up. Drip 1.75 ml Ca Glubonate on food. Chicks are
out of nest box so spread food near chicks where perching. On ladders steps, etc.

2024-04-25 16:00 JB

Group entry: 8 animals
85g M, Ch, Q per bird

BDOW CHICKS: 300 g m, ch, cut up. if out of nest box spread food near chicks.


2024-04-24 16:08 BT

Group entry: 5 animals
85g M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-23 16:56 JB

Group entry: 5 animals
85g M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-04-22 17:00 SAK

Group entry: 5 animals
85g M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-22 12:07 AN
Weight: 697 grams
+17g (3%)

2024-04-21 10:22 BT

Group entry: 5 animals
85g M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-20 11:38 AN

Group entry: 5 animals
85g M, Ch, Q per bird

2024-04-19 16:45 AN

Group entry: 5 animals
85g M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-04-19 12:00 BT

Band changed to: Purple L 058

2024-04-19 11:59 BT
Weight: 680 grams
+23 g (4%)

Banded and moved to FA-4

2024-04-19 11:06 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 65g M, Ch SID
Weigh: SID

2024-04-19 11:03 AMS

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 65g M, Ch SID
d/c meloxicam

2024-04-19 08:58 JB

Leftovers - 20g

2024-04-18 17:29 MM

Addition to eye exam

Right eye
Anterior Chamber: clear and formed
Vitreous: Normal
Cornea: Faint linear areas of fibrosis axially
Iris: Normal
Lens: Normal
Fundus: slightly blunted tip of pecten, focal areas of hypo and hyperpigmentation at periphery of pecten.

Left eye
Anterior Chamber: clear and formed, 1+ Vitreal degeneration.
Vitreous: Normal
Cornea: Faint epithelial erosion at paraxial 4:00 position.
Iris: Normal
Lens: Normal
Fundus: Focal areas of hypo and hyperpigmentation at periphery of pecten.

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-04-18
Examiner - MM
Stain Stain 
NEG + 
Right eye:
PLR (+), Palpebral (+), Dazzle (+), Photopic (FN), Stain (-), Blepharospasm (-), Discharge (-), Conj. hyperemia (-). Dx: Chorioretinal scarring OU. Tx: D/C meloxicam Okay to release.
Left eye:
PLR (+), Palpebral (+), Dazzle (+), Photopic (FN), Stain (stippled uptake), Blepharospasm (-), Discharge (-), Conj. hyperemia (-). Dx: Epithelial erosion, vitreal degeneration, chorioretinal scarring OU. Tx: D/C meloxicam Okay to release.
2024-04-18 16:44 BT

Food: 68g M, Ch
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-04-18 08:05 BE

BAR, 15 degree head tilt, no droop -- left 5g of food

2024-04-17 16:54 SAK

Food: 66g M, Ch
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-04-17 08:44 re

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 65g M, Ch SID
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) SID PO

changed food and meloxicam to SID

2024-04-17 08:06 BE

BAR, ate most of the food, flew straight to perch, 15 degree head tilt to right, no head droop

2024-04-16 15:32 BE

Placed in an aviary alone this afternoon. Did not notice a head droop once in the aviary. Noticed an improvement of the head tilt to the right (20 degrees). Once in the aviary, 18 flew around and was able to fly straight to a perch. Plan is to continue medications orally, make sure 18 is eating in the morning and to continue to check on the head tilt and droop.

2024-04-16 15:27 BE

Food: 71g M, Ch cut up
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-04-16 07:57 BE

Food: 35g M, Ch cut up
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

BAR, left pellet, left 19g of food, 45 degree hed tilt to right, 30 degree head droop forward

2024-04-15 16:21 BE

Food: 37g M, Ch cut up
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-04-15 12:01 BE

PT ROM/Massage on neck
Tracked finger and would turn/tilt head to the left into the upright position, gently tilted neck back while massaging

------------- LASER THERAPY ----------------
Power (joules): 391.5
Time: 4.21 min
Location: Neck
Notes: No sedation or anesthesia. Continue to do PT/Laser/Massage biweekly on the neck because of 45 degree right head tilt and 30 degree forward head droop. Massage neck daily when moving to new kennel.

2024-04-15 07:50 BE

Food: 34g M, Ch cut up
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

BAR, left a pellet left 11g of food, 45 degree head tilt to right, 30 degree head droop forward
Continue laser, massage and PT Mon/Thurs - Try to massage neck every morning when moving kennels

2024-04-14 15:54 CG

Food: 35g M, Ch cut up
Meloxicam: 0.44ml (1.5mg/ml soln) PO

2024-04-14 09:50 CG

Food: 35g M, Ch cut up
Meloxicam: 0.44ml (1.5mg/ml soln)

left pellet

2024-04-13 15:38 BE

Food: 35g M cut up
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-04-13 07:55 BE

Food: 34g M cut up
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

QAR, ate all food, left one pellet, 45 degree head tilt to right

2024-04-12 15:22 BE

Food: 38g M, Ch cut up
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-04-12 07:56 BE

Food: 35g M, Ch cut up
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
QAR, no pellet, Left 26g

2024-04-11 17:24 BE

------------- LASER THERAPY ----------------
Power (joules): 391.5
Time: 4.21 minutes
Location: Back of neck
Notes: No sedation/anesthesia. Last laser session since improving.

2024-04-11 16:32 BT

Food: 35g M, Ch cut up
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-04-11 10:21 BE

Food:36g M, Ch
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

QAR, left pellet, left 34g of food

2024-04-10 16:11 BE

Food: 34g M, Ch
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-04-10 09:39 BE
Weight: 657 grams
Tweezer Fed: 36g M, Ch
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

QUR, left pellet, Left 20g of food from PM feeding

1% weight loss

2024-04-09 17:12 SAK

Tweezer Fed: 35g M, Ch
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-04-09 12:41 re

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 35g M, Ch cut up BID
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO

discontinued buprenorphine

2024-04-09 12:20 BE

Food: 35g M, Ch cut up
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

QAR, one pellet, did not eat food, got his bandage off overnight

2024-04-08 16:44 BE

------------- LASER THERAPY ----------------
Power (joules): 391.5
Time: 4.21 seconds
Location: Back of neck
Notes: No sedation/anesthesia.

2024-04-08 16:26 AN

Food: 35g M, Ch cut up
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-04-08 10:25 SAK

Food: 37g M, Ch cut up
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
10g leftover and pellet

2024-04-07 16:00 CR

Food: 35g M cut up
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-04-07 10:22 CR

Food: 35g M, cut up
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
QAR, upright on perch, normal mutes, one pellet

2024-04-06 15:53 CR

Food: 37g M cut up
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-04-06 10:58 CR

Food: 35g M, Ch cut up
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
QAR, upright on perch, normal mutes, 1 pellet, 27g left overs removed and thrown away.

2024-04-05 16:35 BT

Food: 35g M, Ch cut up
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

2024-04-05 10:36 AMS

Drew blood from L ulnar vein. Struggled afterward and developed a hematoma.

2024-04-05 10:36 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 35g M, Ch cut up BID
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
Discontinued Ketorolac

2024-04-05 10:34 SAK

Collection date2024-04-05 10:34:00
PCV42 %
TS5.2 g\dl
2024-04-05 08:41 BT

Food: 35g M, Ch cut up
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.44 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO

32 g. leftovers, no pellet, normal mutes, QAR

2024-04-05 08:08 SAK

Updated medication doses based on a latest weight of 662 g

2024-04-04 16:58 Allison

------------- LASER THERAPY ----------------
Power (joules): 391.5
Time: 4.21 seconds
Location: Back of neck
Notes: No sedation/anesthesia.

2024-04-04 16:52 Allison

Food: 38g M cut up
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OU - until 2024-04-04

2024-04-04 10:01 Allison

Food: 35g M cut up
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OU - until 2024-04-04
1 pellet
Leftovers: 37 g

2024-04-03 17:01 Allison

Food: 38g M cut up
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OU - until 2024-04-04
1 pellet. Left food in cage with AM portion.

2024-04-03 10:01 Allison
Weight: 662 grams
+ 35 g (6%)

2024-04-03 09:55 Allison

Food: 38g M cut up
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO (given orally)
Ketorolac - OU - until 2024-04-04
Leftovers: 21 g (2 pieces)

2024-04-02 16:31 Allison

Food: 39g M cut up (AM food not eaten, added PM food and left in cage)
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OU - until 2024-04-04

2024-04-02 09:43 Allison

Food: 36g M cut up (left in cage)
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO (oral meds)
Ketorolac - OU - until 2024-04-04
Leftovers: 26 g

2024-04-01 18:09 Allison

Food: 37g M, Ch cut up
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OU - until 2024-04-04

2024-04-01 10:33 Allison

Brief ophthalmic exam: normal PLR OU, anisocoria (R>L)

Recheck blood for history of anemia:
PCV: 26% (sample did not spin down properly, likely result is higher than reading; from R jugular vein)
TS: 3.4

2024-04-01 10:32 Allison

Food: 35g M cut up (left in cage)
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO (given orally)
Ketorolac - OU - until 2024-04-04

2024-03-31 15:59 Allison

Food: 35g M cut up
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OU - until 2024-04-04
Did not want to eat off tweezer in cage, had to feed in hand. Did not eat piece left in cage from AM, it was tweezer fed with PM feeding.

2024-03-31 09:59 Allison

Food: 34g M cut up
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OU - until 2024-04-04
Was not interested in eating at first, tried again and ate all but 1 piece (left in cage)
1 pellet

2024-03-30 15:58 Allison

Food: 34g M cut up
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OU - until 2024-04-04

2024-03-30 10:27 Allison

Food: 36g M, Ch cut up
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OU - until 2024-04-04
1 pellet. Tweezer fed this AM in cage (did well feeding from left side, off perch)

2024-03-29 16:21 BT

Food: 33g M, Ch cut up
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OU - until 2024-04-04

2024-03-29 11:09 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 35g M, Ch cut up BID
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
Ketorolac - OU BID - until 2024-04-04
Updated Ketorolac ending date

2024-03-29 09:27 AN

Food: 38g M, Ch cut up
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OU -
Left pellet and feces

2024-03-28 22:34 Allison

RBC: Polychromasia 3+, 24 immature RBC per 100 mature RBC - suggests regenerative anemia
WBC: Toxic change to WBC - suggests inflammation

Chemistry -
Increased hemolysis index (may artifactually increase K, P, CK, LDH, AST; may decrease UA, GGT, lipase if severe; can alter GLDH quantification). AST and CK obtained with large dilution so values likely not accurate, but do support that a high value of each is present in the sample.

Hypocholesterolemia: DDX intestinal (malabsorptive/maldigestion) vs liver failure (plan: will need to monitor cholesterol)
Decreased total protein: DDX hemorrhage vs intestinal loss vs renal loss vs decreased hepatic production vs immune suppression
Hyponatremia: not likely clinically significant
Elevated CK and AST: likely muscle damage but cannot RO liver component

Serum chemistry
Collection date2024-03-25
AST3401 U/LPhos6.8 mg/dl
BA8 umol/LTP2.4 g/dl
CK75970 U/LAlb0.0 g/dl
UA6.7 mg/dlGlob0.0 g/dl
Glu239 mg/dlK+3.2 mmol/l
Ca8.2 mg/dlNa+144 mmol/l
  AMY293 U/L
Hem 2, Lip 0, Ict 0
Collection date2024-03-25
WBC count12400
Corrected count12400
Hets/Neut30% - 3720
Lymphs49% - 6076
Eos10% - 1240
Mono11% - 1364
Baso0% - 0
Read byUMiami Avian & Wildlife Lab
Low PCV (anemia)
2024-03-28 18:13 AGD

Assessment: Patient 018 received an ophthalmic exam due to visual concerns related to head/ocular trauma (anisocoria, horizontal nystagmus) recorded at intake 6 days ago. On today's exam, 018 is visual OU. Normal direct PLR, palpebral reflex, dazzle reflex OU. On fundic exam there were chorioretinal scars OU (circular, punctate) that could be active or improving (edema becoming scar tissue).

Problem list:
- Head trauma
- Trace uveitis OD
- Focal retinal degeneration OU
- Suspected focal retinal edema OU

- Ketorolac OU BID for one week then stop
- Continue Meloxicam (1 mg/kg) and Buprenorphine (0.1 mg/kg) as needed
- Recheck with ophthalmology as needed

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-03-28
Examiner - x
Stain Stain 
Right eye:
Palpebral reflex and dazzle reflex positive.
Left eye:
Palpebral reflex and dazzle reflex positive.
2024-03-28 16:11 AN

Food: 37g M, Ch cut up
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OU -
Broken blood feather found in PM

2024-03-28 14:39 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 35g M, Ch cut up BID
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
Ketorolac - OU BID -

2024-03-28 10:38 BT

Tweezer feed: 35g Clean meat cut up --ate most, left 2 peices to see if consumed on own.
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OU -

2024-03-28 08:31 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Tweezer feed: 35g Clean meat cut up BID
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
Ketorolac - OU BID -
Switched to tweezer feed.

2024-03-27 17:06 re

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Assisted feed: 35g Clean meat cut up BID
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
Ketorolac - OU BID -

switched to oral meloxicam

2024-03-27 16:44 BT

Assisted feed: 33g Clean meat cut up
Meloxicam: 0.12 ml (5 mg/ml (Injectable)) SQ
Ketorolac - OU -
Fed in cage, 018 took it freely - assist feed not needed.
Did not eat last 5 grams (original total 38 g)

2024-03-27 13:34 AMS

Updated medication doses based on a latest weight of 627 g

2024-03-27 11:01 SAK

Sent labwork off to UM for Advanced well bird

2024-03-27 09:52 BT

Assisted feed: 34g Clean meat cut up
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.12 ml (5 mg/ml (Injectable)) SQ
Ketorolac - OU -

2024-03-27 09:26 BT
Weight: 627 grams
+3 g

2024-03-27 08:38 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Assisted feed: 35g Clean meat cut up BID
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ
Meloxicam: 0.12 ml (5 mg/ml (Injectable)) BID SQ
Ketorolac - OU BID -

2024-03-26 16:53 SAK

Assisted feed: 45g Clean meat cut up
SQ fluids: 15ml LRS
Meloxicam: 0.12 ml (5 mg/ml (Injectable)) SQ
Ketorolac - OU -

2024-03-26 15:29 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Assisted feed: 35g Clean meat cut up BID
SQ fluids: 15ml LRS BID
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ
Meloxicam: 0.12 ml (5 mg/ml (Injectable)) BID SQ
Ketorolac - OU BID -
Changed food to clean meat BID Assist feed

2024-03-26 09:52 SAK

Food: NPO Possible radiographs
SQ fluids: 15ml LRS
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.12 ml (5 mg/ml (Injectable)) SQ
Ketorolac - OU -
Was able to hold up head more today (better control)
Feces/urates present no pellet

2024-03-25 17:39 Allison

Assist feed: 29g M (clean meat only) cut up
SQ fluids: 15ml LRS
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.12 ml (5 mg/ml (Injectable)) SQ
Ketorolac - OU -
Was showing signs of being able to swallow on own by end of assist feed
Did not eat food from AM

2024-03-25 15:42 AMS

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 35g M, Ch cut up BID
SQ fluids: 15ml LRS BID
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ
Meloxicam: 0.12 ml (5 mg/ml (Injectable)) BID SQ
Ketorolac - OU BID -
updated LRS amount, changed melox to BID - AMS

2024-03-25 14:39 Allison
BCS: 1.5

------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
Attending Veterinarian: Dr. Amberly Sokoloff
Observational examination
Mentation: QAR, drooping head
Vital stats
Mucous membranes: White
Dehydration: <5%
Comments: Concerned for anemia, took a blood sample from the right jugular. Delayed ulnar refill time on right and left wing.
Physical examination: Neck pillowy, could be air sac rupture or hyperinflation of cervicocephalic air sac
Beak: Linear fracture of keratin layer on outside of beak, no palpable instability. Normal occlusion.
Cere/nares: WNL
Eyes: Normal PLR and Dazzle in both eyes. Anisocoria (right pupil larger than left). OD there is a circular area of pallor dorsal to the pectin, possible dispersed fovea or area of retinal damage.
Ears: WNL
Crop: WNL
Wings - Range of motion: Normal ROM in both wings with no structural abnormalities
Legs/Feet: Left foot with small lesion on plantar surface of digit 2. Another small abrasion on dorsal side of digit 2.
Ceolom: Empty and WNL
Vent: Pale, moist mucosa

QATS: TS - 2.0 g/dL, PCV - 22%
Lead - low

Problem list:
1. Head trauma: associated linear keratin fracture of beak, drooping head, anisocoria, possible retinal damage
2. Anemia: white MM, delayed ulnar vein refill bilaterally
3. Anorexia: not eating on own since in hospital

Diagnosis: Neurological deficits and secondary effects of trauma


With the reported findings of 018, trauma is suspected to be the primary cause of the clinical signs: associated linear keratin fracture of beak, drooping head, anisocoria, possible retinal damage. A fractured upper portion of the beak can be associated with trauma and can be seen with sudden impact (crashing into car, window, etc.). Anisocoria and retinal detachment may be a result of increased blood pressure secondary to a traumatic event or direct tissue trauma. There was no evidence of nystagmus on physical exam, which is an improvement from intake. Dehydration has been managed with SQ fluids over the past 3 days. Today we were able to assist feed 29 g and some signs of being able to swallow were noted.

1. Meloxicam injection 0.12 ml (5 mg/ml soln) PO BID
2. Buprenorphine injection 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml; 0.1 mg/kg) SQ SID
3. Ketorolac OU BID
4. LRS 15 mL SQ BID
5. Radiographs and ophtho consultation
6. Monitor for improvement of clinical signs

Prognosis: Guarded


Collection date2024-03-25 14:39:00
PCV22 %
TS2.0 g\dl
Blood lead
Collection date2024-03-25
Level0.00 ug/dL
2024-03-25 14:37 AGD

Food: 36g M cut up
SQ fluids: 15ml LRS
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OU - administered

2024-03-24 16:04 Marissa

Food: 35g M, Ch cut up
SQ fluids: 15ml LRS

Did not eat from this morning.

2024-03-24 10:13 Marissa

Food: 35g M, Ch cut up
SQ fluids: 15ml LRS
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OU - BID

Did not eat

2024-03-23 16:28 Bailynn Peeler

Food: 35g M, Ch cut up
SQ fluids: 40ml LRS
Ketorolac - OU -

Did not eat AM food

2024-03-23 10:15 Bailynn Peeler

Food: 32g M, Ch cut up
SQ fluids: 40ml LRS
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OU -

Did not eat last night's food. Harsh breathing this morning

2024-03-22 16:49 Marissa

Food: 32g M, Ch cut up
SQ fluids: 40ml LRS
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OU - BID

2024-03-22 16:09 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 35g M, Ch cut up BID
SQ fluids: 40ml LRS BID
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ
Meloxicam: 0.42 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) SID PO
Ketorolac - OU BID -

2024-03-22 15:28 re

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 35g M, Ch, Q cut up BID

2024-03-22 13:47 Marissa
Weight: 624 grams, BCS: 1.5

------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
Attending Veterinarian: Dr. Seth Oster
Observational examination
Mentation: Dull
Posture: Drooping head, unable to stand unless placed in a donut.
Overall appearance: Poor
Comments: Vertical nystagmus
Vital stats
Heart rate: 350
Respiratory rate: 40
Auscultation: Air sac sounds on right side
Dehydration: 5-10%
Comments: 8%
Oral cavity: stringy saliva
Beak: Blood present, possible fractured upper portion of beak
Cere/nares: Blood present
Eyes: OD- 12 IOP, film. OS- 15 IOP, fibrin
Legs/Feet: Abrasion on digit 2
BCS: 3
Uropygial gland: NE
Problem list:
1. Possible fractured upper portion of beak
2. Horiztonal nystagmus (neurological)
3. Eyes- OD: film OS: fibrin
4. Dehydration
Diagnosis: Neurological deficits and upper portion of beak

With the reported findings of 018, trauma is suspected to be the primary cause of the clinical signs; vertical nystagmus, fractured upper portion of beak with blood present on beak and nares, fibrin within the left eye, dehydration. and very dull mentation.
Nystagmus is often seen with trauma due to neurological damage (acutely or chronic). A fractured upper portion of the beak can be associated with trauma and can happen with sudden impact (car, window, etc.).Fibrin see within eyes can indicate retinal issues which could also stem from trauma. In addition, the right eye had a film like appearence and was soft to the touch. Dehydration is a common clinical symptom when birds are flightless due to injury and cannot access water sources.

1. Meloxicam injection (1mg/kg)- 0.12 mL
2. Buprenorphine injection SQ (0.1mg/kg)- 0.03 mL
3. Ketorolac OU BID
4. Fluids 40 mL SQ
5. Radiographs and optho in future
6. Monitor for improvement of clinical signs
Prognosis: Guarded

2024-03-22 13:06 BT

Additional data from online form

Offered food or water: No
Treatments given: No
Carrier box to pickup: No
Add to mailing list: Yes

2024-03-22 08:19 re

Collection date2024-03-22
Typechoanal/cloacal swab
AI PCR : Not detected
Version 3.1.7 - 3.18.63 Fri May 10 03:00:22 2024